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Get Social


Get Social

Sales success in this part of the world is much more associated with presence in the heart of people, being top-of-mind in people's thoughts, and timing. In Latam one doesn't actually need to be cold-calling all the time. It's much more about personal touch, the "how are you doing, let's grab a coffee when I'm in town" now and then, and about being the first person that people think about when they think of the need your product fills.

In Latin America you break thru the clutter using a permanent conversation that shows that your product exists, to people that are spread out in a vast extension, and running in all directions. Again: timing, and being there in the mind.

Whether you want to connect with industry professionals, network, attract talent, establish thought leadership, or generate prospects and leads (or indeed, all of the above), reaching out and being there should be an integral part of not just your social media marketing strategy, but also your overall inbound marketing strategy.


for & from Latam

for & from Latam


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Complementary Technologies was founded by Charlie Deane, a veteran of the media space. The company's leitmotiv is bringing together best-of-class media technology products-as-a-service.

Its core expertise is identifying disruptive media delivery software and hardware, understanding how they fit together in the complex media streaming and download-to-own ecosystem, integrating those solutions and hand-holding the customers thru the process of implementing self-sustainable and reliable business models in a short span of time.

These loosely coupled software-as-a-service and products philosophy is a must in Latin America, where customers look to do the whole or just parts, given the availability of in-house solutions, adoption of open source technologies, and other parts of the business equation.